Anyone who reads my blog may know that I’ve been around the block when it comes to video games. Ever since I could pick up a controller at a super young age and play Super Mario Bros., I’ve never looked back. I’ve played casual fare like Plants vs. Zombies and can go hard on a game like Doom on Ultra-Violence. And while I’m always trying to expand my tastes to other types of games (See: Elden Ring), I know where my go-tos are.
But what about someone who might be getting into this kind of stuff? Someone whose toes are just dipping into the swimming pool a little later on than others?
In that case, let me introduce my girlfriend, who I lovingly call, Nuggy.
In 2020, I began a grand journey, a journey into the world of gaming. Much like life I struggled to find myself , wondering where I belonged! Every genre of game felt like a distant planet, so for a long time I hid from dimensions I was afraid of failing in. My first game was Asphalt 9 Legends which SpeedQueen94 still rules the track. I could`ve played it safe, but I chose to venture out to hidden object games(Mystery Case Files), and most recently a 3D platformer known as Toree 3D which my boyfriend Ducky (That’s me!) recommended to me.
Toree 3D is probably something I would’ve shrugged at seeing it on the Switch eShop. But after seeing the game in action on a YouTube binge, the low-res style along with the cheap dollar price tag convinced me to give it a go. I thought this would make a good game for Nuggy to play too since it was also on Steam for the same price.
I planned on doing a review on it, but she had the idea of combining forces to present two different perspectives on the game. One coming from someone a little more seasoned and the other from someone’s first crack on a game like this.
So now that you know the name, it's time to play the game!
Released in 2021, Toree 3D was developed by an indie game developer known as Siactro. Some of his other contributions to the gaming world include Macbat64 in 2017, and a sequel Toree 2, which was made public the same year as Toree 3D. He's also working on another game entitled Super Kiwi 64, which he plans to release later this year.
As Toree, a bird-duck donning cool shades and a backpack, players traverse nine levels to retrieve their ice cream that was stolen by a weird cyber reaper looking sonuvabitch. This includes jumping over rooftops under starry skies, hopping across cars and trucks on a Tokyo highway, riding wind tunnels over the ocean and slipping and sliding around on icy hills.
Visually, Toree is bright and colorful with its cutesy low-res texture work but also hides something menacing under the surface. Brief moments in-game unleashing that undertone- those super shiny smiling stars turn into something warped and distorted for example- will definitely keep you on your toes each level. But it doesn’t detract from its gameplay. It’s creepy without resorting to in-your-face jumpscares, which for a scaredy-cat like me, is a major plus!
I don't scare that easy sucker! Remember that last scene in Shark Night 3D?
Don’t you start with that again…
My personal belief is that color defines the aura of the environment, and when you play Toree 3D, both the essence of danger and relaxation is amplified. In levels such as Sea Mama`s Harbor, I felt a sense of fun, casual enjoyment, given the lighter colors. In levels such as Edge Runner, Neo Osaka, and It’s World , a color scheme of a darker nature is very present, much like that of the enemies in the game.
One enemy that you encounter is what I have unaffectionately named Death Stars (Would you believe that she’s never seen a Star Wars movie?). These stars act like a radioactive beacon that homes in on your location as the environment turns apocalyptic, knowing that your end is near. It's also at this point that I felt a sense of urgency to jump to the next platform, as the world got darker it became hard for me to locate the next platform.
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Stop me if you've seen this before... |
The game’s stages seem to take some inspiration from Sonic the Hedgehog games with a dash of Super Mario 64 in the ice levels. One level in particular, Windy Ocean, is clearly inspired by Metal Harbor in Sonic Adventure 2, with similar warships much like in that game.
While it can be easy going at one’s own pace (or to gather the collectables in each level), it’s encouraged to blast through ‘em in less than two minutes for the best ranking. Get a guy who knows what he’s doing, Toree 3D can be beaten in less than an hour. They’re quick for easy replayability and finding that rhythm through the levels gives off a fun rush.
But there are parts- usually involving moving platforms- that slows that momentum down to a crawl. One or two especially led to serious speed bumps (one moving car early on in Neo Osaka for example) that threatened lesser ranks and restarts.
There’s also two secret characters to unlock. Though by the time you acquire them, there’s not much else to do except replay for faster times or cheese the levels for laughs.
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Nice teeth |
As a gamer that's new to a genre such as a 3D platformer, I faced three main challenges; depth, timing, and a SLOOOW camera. Toree 3D`s platforming has its tough moments for someone like me because of my lack of experience, though it's worth it when you reach that goal flag on all nine levels in the PC version. My shortest level time was on Hungry Mountain Peak, which was 4 minutes and 16 seconds. My longest level time was on It`s World, which was about 1 and a half hours.
One of the easiest types of platforms in the game were the ice ones. Whether a truck or a road, those I found very easy to maneuver. The conveyor trucks on the other hand were my worst nemesis, to be able to navigate from one to the next was very difficult. The hardest levels for me to complete were the darkest ones, even though there are bright colors, the distance was difficult to determine.
Despite my slight previous experience with the parkour obbys in Roblox, and the instructions I got from my Ducky on how to play, I still needed his help near the end of It`s World (She did finish the rest on her own!). I think it's safe to say that Toree 3D is challenging in a good way. For those who play these games often it's easy, but those who are just starting out it can be tough!
I do think that I could`ve beat some levels quicker if the PC version had better camera controls. Even after I turned up the camera sensitivity, it was still slow moving. I had to swiftly take my finger off the jump button just so I could move the camera. It's this element of Toree 3D that should be fixed in my opinion, an efficient camera is vital.
I checked them myself too. Changing the sensitivity didn’t seem to do much.
Unlike the trouble Nuggy had with her controls, I found the camera controls on my Switch copy (published by Diplodocus Games) to be pretty solid. It had the L and R buttons move the camera which helped in those more tougher spots without having to move my thumb away from the pick up ‘n play jump and run controls.
It also includes four “remix” stages not included in the PC version (but are for free on Siactro’s page). They’re not required for 100% completion, but serve to bring some extra meat to complete for anyone looking for seconds, and a bit more of a challenge too.
Despite how negative I may have sounded, Toree 3D is a great platformer that is arguably too good to be worth a buck on the eShop. Quick, cutesy with a spice of creepy, and levels that can be fun to breeze through again and again. It’s a good game for anyone looking to speedrun or kill some time on a car trip or on the crapper.
And again- ONE DOLLAR.
Did someone misplace a parrot?
BWAAAK! ONE DOLLAR! *whistles*
Before I started this game, it would have been beyond my comprehension of reality. Toree 3D made it possible for me to complete a genre of game that I felt was beyond my skills. I`m personally thanking Siactro for having the courage to develop this game, it's truly a gift to the world. And last but definitely not least, a thank you to my Ducky for having the faith in me not just to play Toree 3D, but for me to work on this review.
Aside from the one flaw in the PC version, it's perfect for anyone who wants to learn a 3D platformer. It's fun and exciting to play Toree 3D, cause even when I struggled, it left me wanting more.
That’s why there’s a sequel, honey. :)